Equine Management

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Equine Management

Associate of Applied Science Degree

Equine management provides equine facility management artistry and opportunities to integrate the experience into day-to-day equine production, health, boarding, and training practices. Seize opportunities for specific interests and take electives to learn additional skills in equine.

Close up of a horses face

Training Option

Associate of Applied Science

The Associate of Applied Science in Equine Management: Training Option Degree is a hands-on degree designed to provide the student with training skills and techniques necessary for employment in the equine industry. The student will investigate small business practices, advertising, and sales. Program electives allow the student to select additional equine courses to complement their specific interests. The student must supply a horse and western tack for this program.

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits

Choose three (3) credits of any MKT:

Course Number Course Credits
MKT 1000Sales3
MKT 2010Problems in Marketing3
MKT 3050Social Media Marketing3
MKT 3210Principles of Marketing3

Total Credit Hours: 61


Training Option Certificate I

Equine Management: Training Option Certificate I is designed to provide the student with beginning skills and techniques necessary for employment in the equine industry. The student will also investigate small business practices. the student must supply a horse and western tack for this program.

Total Credit Hours: 31

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
ANSC 1030Equine Management3
EQST 1510Equine Nutrition3
EQST 1590Horsemanship I3
EQST 1595Horsemanship II3
EQST 1690English Equitation I3
EQST 1695English Equitation II3
EQST 2600Horse Showmanship I3

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1)/ORAL3 credits
3 credits
UNST1 credits